“The biggest thing I was inspired by today was the quote shared about if you here voices telling you that you cannot do something, that even when you fail, you need to go and do what your dream is and scilence those voices. I just loved that message today, and that is what my daughter also took today was, follow your dreams and don’t be afraid to fail. I think Holly did a great job at getting that message across and I would love to hear more.”
Lia W.
"The part of the event that I most enjoyed was when Holly told us to never give up on our dreams."
Erin A.
“We just finished with Holly’s writing class and it was a lot of fun. She is great. She is relatable to teens and even to moms, I was really inspired by her life stories… I think the kids loved her, she is very positive and engaging and talked about some of her struggles and really inspired the kids to work though them and to continue on and not to be afraid of failure. That is good for anyone whether it is writing or whatever they are working on. I highly recommend Holly and her workshop. It is great fun.”
Braedyn B.
"My Favorite part of the event was learning the 5 steps to success."
Dallin N.
"Holly inspired me by making it clear that it is worth it to follow your dreams!"